Andreea-Delia Buzilă has graduated with a master's degree in Painting from the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design in Iași. She furthered her studies through an internship scholarship in Belgium at PXL MAD School of Arts, where she explored the possibilities of transmediality in the mediums of painting and glass. She is the first visual artist selected for the Art Gen '24 project call. Congratulations!
The committee, consisting of Larisa Oancea (researcher), Georgiana Buț (curator), Virgil Scripcariu (sculptor), Mihai Zgondoiu (visual artist), and Mihaela Irimescu (gallery owner), selected the project "The Space Between Things," proposed by Andreea Buzilă, from 17 highly valuable initiatives - thank you all!
We will dedicate the next four months to shaping the exhibition of the young artist Andreea Buzilă, and we look forward to meeting with you at the beginning of winter to enjoy this event together!
Art Gen '24 is an initiative by Artep Gallery aimed at supporting the launch of emerging artists from Iași. Launched in 2023, the program is now in its second edition.

Enter the Art Gen '24 selection and prepare for your exhibition at Artep Gallery this fall!
You can sign up until 1st of July 2024 with a draft (concept) or (partially) completed project, depending on the stage you are at, and you will receive the support of the Artep team to develop a solo show with us.
Call-ul Art Gen ’24 se adresează absolvenților de licență și master din generațiile ce finalizează studiile în 2024 la Universitatea de Artde ,,George Enescu” Iași.

Un juriu independent, format dintr-un galerist, un artist, un curator, un jurnalist cultural și un membru al Galeriei Artep va selecta cea mai convingătoare inițiativă – tu trebuie doar să completezi formularul de înscriere.
Art Gen'24 is an initiative of the Artep Gallery aimed at supporting the launch of emerging artists from Iasi.