Mentoring Program within the Artistic Residency 110 Project
As part of the 110 Artistic Residency project, young artist Andrei Gavrilița will deepen the research conducted in Berlin from May 11-22, 2024, through online mentoring sessions. These sessions are aimed at strengthening the young artist's knowledge both on the residency theme, Body Politics, and in developing his artistic practice – photography. His mentors for the June-July 2024 period will be artists Laura Letinsky and Mark Power. The 110 Artistic Residency is a program developed by the Artep Gallery Association, in partnership with the Berlin-based institution Haus der Kulturen der Welt (House of World Cultures), and co-financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN).
Laura Letinsky has a BFA from the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, and her MFA in Photography from Yale University’s School of Art, Letinsky has been a Professor at the University of Chicago since 1994. She shows with Yancey Richardson Gallery, NYC, and Document, Chicago, and exhibits internationally including PhotoEspana, Madrid, the Israeli International Photography Festival, Mumbai Photography Festival, Mumbai, India, MIT, Cambridge, MA,Basel Design, The Photographers Gallery, London, and , Denver Art Museum, CO. Awards include the Maison Dora Maar, France; Canada Council International Residency, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, The Canada Council Project Grants, The Anonymous Was a Woman Award, and the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, and her work is published in monographs and catalogues such as To Want For Nothing, Roman Nvmerals, 2019, Time’s Assignation, Radius Books, 2017, Ill Form and Void Full, Radius Books, 2014, Feast, Smart Museum of Art, UC Press, 2013, After All, Damiani, 2010, Hardly More Than Ever, Renaissance Society, 2004, Blink, Phaidon Press, 2002, and Venus Inferred, University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Mark Power’s complex, meticulously crafted images - usually made with large format cameras - have earned him a reputation as one of the forerunners of British photography. For many years his work has been seen in numerous galleries and museums across the world, and is in several important collections, both public and private. However, Power considers himself to be primarily a book maker, and to date he has published fifteen: The Shipping Forecast (1996), a poetic response to the esoteric language of daily maritime weather reports; Superstructure (2000), a documentation of the construction of London's Millennium Dome; The Treasury Project (2002), about the restoration of a nineteenth- century historical monument: 26 Different Endings (2007), which depicts those landscapes unlucky enough to fall just off the edge of the London A-Z, a map which could be said to define the boundaries of the British capital; The Sound of Two Songs (2010), the culmination of his five year project set in contemporary Poland following her accession to the European Union; Mass (2013), an investigation into the power and wealth of the Polish Catholic church; Die Mauer ist Weg! (2014), about chance and choice when confronted, accidentally, with a major news event - in this case the fall of the Berlin Wall; Destroying the Laboratory for the Sake of the Experiment (2016), a collaboration with the poet Daniel Cockrill about pre-Brexit England; Icebreaker (2018) which documents two Finnish ships operating in the Bay of Bothnia; Terre a l’Amende (2021), the result of an artist-in- residency programme in the Channel Island of Guernsey, and the five-book, work-in- progress series, Good Morning, America, Volumes I (2018), II (2019), III (2020) and IV (2023). A revised and much-expanded version of his first book, The Shipping Forecast was published in 2022. Power taught at the University of Brighton from 1992 until 2017, first as a Senior Lecturer, then as the Professor of Photography. He joined Magnum as a nominee in 2002, becoming a full member in 2007. He lives in Brighton, on the south coast of England, with his wife Jo and their dog Kodak.
Organizer: Asociația Galeria Artep 
Main Partner: Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin 
Partners: Universitatea Națională de Arte „George Enescu” din Iași, Institutul de Cercetare Multidisciplinară în Artă, PROPAGARTA, Empower Artists, Modernism, PIN Magazine, Destination Iași
Cultural project co-financed by: Administrația Fondului Cultural Național